The higher the yield and the extremely fast setting. These are one of the most important requirements that are placed on installation foams by the construction professionals. However, not all products on the market can offer these benefits that are relevant to every master. That is the reason, why we made sure that the installation of windows and doors and the sealing of any cavity in construction is fast, smooth and of high-quality, at the same time ensuring high thermal and acoustic insulation. The innovative solution is the polyurethane installation foam of new generation “FOME FLEX ULTRA FAST 75L”, which is the fastest-setting foam on the market and has an extremely high yield.
The polyurethane installation foam “FOME FLEX ULTRA FAST 75L” is a truly unique product of new generation. It has a free blowing yield of around 75 litres. This cannot be offered by similar products on the market.
The most common volume of high-yield foam from other manufacturers is up to 65 litres. However, even this is achieved through extremely high secondary expansion of up to 100%. This means that the inflatable seam doubles in size, hindering correct placement of the seam, as you need to anticipate how much space you need to leave for it. Otherwise, the expanded foam will over-expand and damage the structure due to expansion pressure.
“FOME FLEX ULTRA FAST 75L” is a completely different solution. This product has only 30% secondary expansion, but still a higher yield. This makes it easier to form the seam, the foam does not break the door or window structure and the foam is accurately deflated. The product is also resistant to mould and mildew, high and low temperatures – it can be used from -60°C to +100°C. The ambient temperature ranges from -0°C to +35°C and can be used in rain or snow.
This foam has a dense and homogeneous structure, which provides excellent thermal and acoustic insulation performance. It has a thermal conductivity of 0,036 W/(m*K) and a sound reduction index of 63 dB.
The product is also unique because of its extremely fast setting, which allows a faster completion of works. The cutting time for this foam is 10 minutes, compared to 30-40 minutes for similar products. Importantly, “FOME FLEX ULTRA FAST 75L” has a final set time of only 1.5 hours. In contrast, other foams on the market have a setting time of around half a day.
These features of “FOME FLEX ULTRA FAST 75L” make it possible to cut away unnecessary residues, cover foam joints, plaster, paint and do other necessary works faster. The product therefore has a wide range of applications. The foam is ideal for sealing windows and doors, for high thermal and acoustic insulation of pipes, and for filling cracks, splits, cavities and gaps. Likewise, it is suitable for sealing joints in roofs, walls and floors, and for all window and door installation works.
The use of this product is easy and standardised – like other polyurethane foams for installation and sealing. The work surface must be thoroughly cleaned and moistened. Shake the bottle vigorously and screw the gun on. Then turn the vial upside down. To adjust the flow rate of the installation foam spray, you will need to turn the valve at the end of the pistol grip. Then fill the cavity with foam.
If the foam is used at low temperatures, the vial must be warmed up to +18C by placing it in warm water or in a warm room. Residues of undried foam are best cleaned with “Foam Cleaner Fome Flex”. It is advisable to remove hardened foam mechanically.
That’s it. Take advantage of the unique benefits of “FOME FLEX ULTRA FAST 75L” and try a product that is recognised and appreciated by construction professionals around the world. We will make sure that every work for which this product is designed is fast, high-quality and smooth.