POINT 303 D4 CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE is one-component, polyurethane-based construction adhesive with the highest moisture resistance class D4 according to DIN EN204 and extremely high adhesive strength. Easy application, low viscosity.

SKU: 03-4-0-303
Colour: Transparent honey
Volume: 750 g
  • Highest water resistance class D4-DIN EN204
  • Convenient application, low viscosity
  • Easy to sand
  • Good adhesion to porous and non-porous surfaces

POINT 303 PUR D4 CONSTRUCTION WOOD ADHESIVE have extremely high adhesive strength. Pressing time only 20 minutes. Can be used on slightly damp surfaces. Resistant to extreme temperatures. Used for indoor and outdoor work, when glued surfaces are frequently or long-term exposed to water or condensation.

Areas of application

Fastening and gluing wooden elements to other various porous and non-porous elements such as wood, metal, concrete, polystyrene, etc. Manufacture of furniture and boats. Fixing the raised floor using mechanical fasteners. For all bonding applications requiring high water resistance.